Category Archives: LLM


An interesting github repo to keep an eye on – a way to run a private LLM instance and train it on a local document repository – with no internet connection required (once it’s installed!). It uses GPT4all, LlamaCpp, LangChain and a local vector database (not Pinecone, I assume).

I can imagine lots of use cases for this: training upon your own files could enable a useful personal assistant that is ~private~. Imagine it as a memory assistant for all those millions of forgotten files on your computer.

Or as a Zotero assistant for working through academic papers and making connections.

Or as a way of making searchable documentation of software – one could scrape all the Unreal Engine documentation using beautifulsoup and then train on it.

Or for an Arts organisation (like ANAT!) – train on years of office data to create a kind of corporate memory.

Of course, it would still have the hallucination problem, but this could be mitigated by combining it with some sort of web search or other confirmation mechanism.
